GreenfieldCities presented output for the feasibility study for a clean-tech business campus in Mafraq in the form of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); “Decent work and economic growth”, “Quality education” and “Climate Action” to name a few. The organizing committee of the SDG Action Day asked GreenfieldCities to host a workshop to illustrate the theme of the day. We came up with a teasing proposition: “Realizing SDGs while capitalizing on international business opportunities”
The SDG action day held in Amsterdam aimed at cross-sector cooperation and boosting SDG action from the Netherlands. Participants were members of the business community, from municipalities, social organizations and knowledge institutions. By way of introduction, a lively plenary presentation offered an inspiring podium for outstanding SDG performers as well as promising organization all sharing their work and initiatives.
The second half of the day was allocated for workshops by different organisations from across the Netherlands. GreenfieldCities hosted a workshop session which was attended by about 30 persons interested in sustainable, international business opportunities foreseen in the GreenfieldCities business campus in Mafraq, Jordan. The workshop focused on presenting key sectors present in the future business-campus in Mafraq: water, agriculture, energy, hospitality, ICT and built environment.
The presentation underlined the potential for business opportunities in Mafraq within each sector, which in turn should be seen as powerful actions within the SDG framework. After presenting GreenfieldCities to the group, participants were divided into groups according to the six sectors. Feedback and advice was collected from individuals regarding the plans for each sector and several contacts were made with those interested in future communication. Overall, staff from GreenfieldCities were pleased with the outcome of the day and were glad to present the preliminary results of the business case for potential investors and sponsors for the business campus whilst making new and valuable contacts.
Link to the report of the SDG Action Day 2018 (Dutch).