Financially supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, GreenfieldCities completed its feasibility study for the Mafraq Youth Business campus. The extensive study convincingly demonstrates feasibility and provides a roadmap for next steps. The Ministry states: “the feasibility study is a solid base for further development of the campus”.
The study concludes the YBC is feasible in all relevant aspects hosting 2500 Jordanian and Syrian youths, working in six sectors: Agri-Food, Water, ICT, Energy, Construction and Hospitality. Risks are at acceptable levels. Impact on at least 8 SDG indicators including “Decent Work and Economic Growth” is very significant.
The project is unique as it includes a transition from donor funding to private impact investment financing. This is an important part of the GreenfieldCities vision: forced migration can best be tackled in regions of origin and this can ultimately be done without development aid subsidies. This transition is a hard condition for scalability of the concept and sustainable success.
Perhaps the most striking result is the overwhelming support for the idea inside Jordan. More than 50 ministries, institutions and companies endorse the GreenfieldCities effort for the Youth Business Campus and many of them commit to providing tangible support. In addition, key MPs in Dutch parliament support the Youth Business Campus model.
The required public investment in a working model for dignified, humane and sustainable reception in the region of origin is no-regret and very small compared to the avoided costs for hosting refugees in the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden. GreenfieldCities is discussing funding and execution of the next steps with several potential sponsors. For those who want to read more, the following downloads are available:
If you are interested in funding the next steps for development of the Youth Business Campus, please contact us.