Local, regional, national and EU authorities are key stakeholders in the drama that is unfolding. A back of the envelope showed the ad-hoc costs of the refugee crisis easily amount up to € 175.000 per refugee. All is paid by OESO tax-payers. Little is structurally solved. Investing in sustainable safe havens (Greenfield cities), on the other hand requires around € 90.000 of financing per refugee. We think long term investment in real assets, real estate and last not least in our fellow human beings. There’s the real capital obviously: human capital. And that’s not even part of the equation. Clearly the business case for building these cities is rock solid.
We cordially invite public organizations to participate financially in this project. Additionally we need experience & expertise on setting up all the necessary institutions that make up a well run city or urban society. If you are willing to help, please contact us here.
The GreenfieldCities foundation is officially recognized by the Netherlands tax authorities as an organization for the Common Good (shortened to ANBI in Dutch) , allowing financial sponsors tax deductions in the Netherlands.
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