I’ve been in the sustainable business almost all my life. Early in my career I’ve been responsible for implementing substantial co-generation power at one of the biggest Dutch utilities. The last 5 years I’ve served the public sustainability cause and took the initiative to set up a publicly owned, regional sustainable power development company.
When asked to help set up GreenfieldCities.org I hesitated and spent some time to sleep on it. The challenge seemed overwhelming. All issues undermining peace, stability, security and sustainability come together in this initiative. But then I thought there will be no real sustainability without peace, without stability or without security. Then I felt I could not look the other way and walk away from it. Tough nut to crack? Obviously! Toughest sofar! However, being able to start from scratch, might materialise as a key success factor. I’m committed to give it my best ever try. And we anyway need crowds, huge crowds, to fund the initiative and help us realise it.