Private Funding

You can support GreenfieldCities in many ways. Check out what fits you

GreenfieldCities Donor

You are concerned but optimistic.  You think we should handle the middle east refugee crisis way better than we do now! You can make a big difference by helping us to take the most difficult step of all: the first!

If you believe that:

  • the only real solution for the middle east is in the region itself
  • if we can create refugee camps, we also can create new cities
  • some areas need nurseries of stability and reason
  •  you can make a difference helping realizing these goals

Then support GreenFieldCities and lets surprise the world. Together we can help global leaders to imagine and act. Let’s create an offer they can’t refuse. Your contribution makes a big difference.

Sponsor Us

ANBI logoThe GreenfieldCities foundation is officially recognized by the Netherlands tax authorities as an organization for the Common Good (shortened to ANBI in Dutch) , allowing financial sponsors tax deductions in the Netherlands

GreenfieldCities Friends

Friends of GreenfieldCities support our mission to structurally reduce migration by initiating, developing and managing sustainable urban environments in regions of origin where refugees and people from host countries can live, learn and work. The financial support of our friends is substantial and they commit themselves to do so on a structural basis. In this way, they contribute to the financial continuity of the core of our young organization.

If you are interested to become a friend of GreenfieldCities, please contact us.

Impact Investor

Impact investors like yourself seek multiple types of returns. GreenfieldCities offers at least four relevant value streams. a) a reasonable financial return on your investment, b) a safe an productive future for hundreds of thousands of people, c) an urban society that exceeds the 2050 European Union sustainability goals, d) a tangible contribution to a lasting regional peace and stability.

If you like our ideas and want to consider making a contribution, then please contact us.

Pioneering Company

GreenfieldCities need pioneering companies and Greenfield citizens can be your local clients,  enterpreneurs,  employees, service providers and ambassadors. It is early stage, but supporting us now will give you a head start when we go all out.

Before joining Elon Musk on Mars,  joining us in the Sahara may be an interesting business proposition. If you like to learn more then please contact us.

Employee or Volunteer

All the people that work at are also Employee or Volunteer supporters of the Foundation.  It makes sense that our staff is also part of the Foundation family. More information on joining our team can be found on our Vacancies pages


You have got it made and you endorse our thinking and acting. You would like to see your thousands or millions of followers to contribute inspired by you or make another contribution.

Check us out and we’ll make it work together!